
On Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects the soft tissues that surround your joints. There are natural treatments that can relieve rheumatoid arthritis joint pain and reduce overall levels of inflammation in the body.

Hand and Wrist Pain Relief

Hand pain can occur as a result of an overuse injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, a ganglion cyst, or osteoarthritis. The best remedy for hand and wrist pain? Rest. Other treatments of hand pain can include wearing a splint, gentle exercises, osteopathic treatments, or regenerative injections.

On Degenerative Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most popular form of arthritis. It is caused by a “perfect storm” of damaged ligaments, excess weight, and genes predisposition. The telltale sign of osteoarthritis is pain, especially when you wake up in the morning.


Why Do My Joints Pop?

Painless popping of joints is not usually a cause for concern. But if something hurts and is popping, I recommend you get it evaluated.

Worried About Infant Torticollis?

Infant torticollis refers to an infant whose head has a side bend in one direction, where they have a very strong preference for one position when laying down.

Whiplash Injury

Whiplash occurs when your neck is suddenly jerked back and forth, damaging the structures surrounding the neck and head. Whiplash symptoms can be felt on the day of the injury, or take several days to manifest.


Natural Allergy Relief

Allergens enter your body through your nasal passage. Nasal irrigation using a Neti pot can help clean the nasal passage, remove excess mucous, and get rid of any allergens with which you have come in contact.

Is Sex During Pregnancy Safe?

A common question is, is it okay to have sex while pregnant? For the most part, there is absolutely no problem engaging in sexual intercourse while pregnant.

Depression & Anxiety Relief

Dysthymia is a chronic mood disorder. If you suffer from dysthymia, you experience mild depression symptoms over a period of 2 years or more. For these mild cases of depression and anxiety, lifestyle changes, vitamin supplementation, and herbal remedies can help.


Tennis Elbow Relief

Most tennis elbow pain (lateral epicondylitis) resolves on its own with proper rest. But you probably need more rest than you think. Icing and anti-inflammatory medications can help with pain relief. Prolotherapy and PRP injections can accelerate healing process.

Treating Knee Pain

Lots of different things in the knee can cause pain and dysfunction. We can have pain on the inside of the knee, on the outside of the knee, around the kneecap, around the patella, in the back of the knee, baker’s cysts.

Shoulder Pain Relief

The shoulder is a very complex joint that moves through a wide variety of motions. Whenever any of these motions becomes restricted, we can’t quite use the shoulder as we should and it starts to lead to extra wear and tear which leads to further inflammation and irritation in the joints.


Degenerative Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most popular form of arthritis. It is caused by a “perfect storm” of damaged ligaments, excess weight, and genes predisposition. The telltale sign of osteoarthritis is pain, especially when you wake up in the morning. Morning pain goes away within 30 minutes.

Understanding Sciatica Pain

Sciatica is generally defined as pain that runs from the back, usually down the buttock, down the back of leg. Pain that’s from a nerve root compression will often times compress the nerve and cause pain that goes at least past the knee and sometimes all the way down into the foot.

What Causes Neck Pain?

Often times, neck pain is coming from tight muscles and damage to the ligaments. So how does this happen? It may come from car accidents, sports injuries, and past injuries that were never healed properly. What happens is we stretch our ligaments.


Healing Lower Back Pain

When we think about low back pain, the thing that instantly pops to mind is a herniated disc or degenerative disc disease. In some cases that’s true. But in many cases, patients that have low back pain can find relief without steroid shots and without surgery.

Naturally Healing a Sports Injury

For decades, RICE was the gold standard for treating athletic injuries. It’s ability to quickly reduce pain and swelling made it especially popular. But it’s very important to note that RICE was never designed to provide complete rehabilitation for athletic injuries. To get complete healing, you must allow inflammation to occur.

Deep Breathing Moves Every Cell in Your Body

What happens in your body when you breathe? When tissues become stuck and rigid and not moving, that’s when we begin to experience pain. Breathing is one of the simplest ways for you to increase motion in your entire body.


Arthritis and PRP?

When thinking about natural treatments for arthritis or, even better, prevention of arthritis, one of the best things you can today is consider regenerative medicine techniques. In particular, prolotherapy and platelet-rich plasma, or PRP.

What is Prolotherapy and PRP?

Just walking in and having somebody do PRP on your shoulder isn’t likely to yield the best result. Prolotherapy and PRP must still be part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes rehabilitation, proper manipulation, acupuncture, and good nutrition.

Treating Rotator Cuff Injuries

The first reason rotator cuff injuries occur is that we use our shoulders all the time, making it a very easy area to injure. The other contributing factor for rotator cuff injuries is the fairly poor blood supply to the area, which only gets worse as we age. This makes any injuries have minimal chance of healing on their own.


Creating Harmony and Balance in Your Life

In a state of health, we’re in a state of harmony and balance, and our body is functioning as optimally as it can. This means we have a good balance of what’s coming in and what’s going out, the ability to create harmony in our mind, and the literal, physical balance of our physical body structure.

America's Healthcare System Serves Diseases but Fails in Wellness

America's healthcare system is focused on disease care. There is no wellness care. If you don’t have a disease, then you almost can’t participate in the system.

Natural Headache Remedy (Stop Thinking)

If you’re suffering from headaches, whether these are stress headaches, one of the simplest natural headache remedies is to give yourself 5-10 minutes, twice a day, to lay down in a comfortable position and get these muscles to relax. Turn your mind off. Change your processing of pain.


Depression Explained by Chinese Medicine

When the yin and yang energies become imbalanced, we start to experience problems with pain, disease, anxiety, and depression, amongst many others diseases.

Lower Back Pain Causes & Natural Treatments like Acupuncture, Diet Changes, and Prolotherapy

If you have low back pain that is not radiating past the knee, what’s causing the pain? There are many things in the body which can cause lower back pain other than discs and nerves (common causes of sciatica pain).

Alternatives to Knee Surgery with Prolotherapy, PRP, Stem Cell Prolotherapy

Prolotherapy for knee injuries, PRP, and stem cell treatments are alternative courses of action once an injury has occurred. If you can stabilize the structures of the knee, you will give the body an opportunity to naturally begin to repair the underlying damages.


Advil or Acupuncture? What should I do?

How effective is an acupuncture treatment for pain? How does it compare to popping an Advil? In the short term, taking an Advil is acceptable for most people. But when you use anti-inflammatory medications to treat ongoing pain, you will impede your body’s healing process, prolong the problem, and create further complications.

Acupuncture for Knee Pain?

Acupuncture for knee pain is a very effective preventative treatment. It won’t heal knee damage, but it can assist in the healing process of existing damage.

Avoiding Long-Term Knee Problems

You can prevent long-term knee pain by ensuring ligaments, tendons, and support structures of the knee are properly aligned and rehabilitated as soon as they are injured.

Dr. Dan Williams, DO

Board Certified Osteopathic Physician in Indianapolis